Mohammed Musthafa Soukath Ali

Mohammed Musthafa Soukath Ali

Principal Consultant and Head, TCS

Musthafa holds a leadership position at TCS. He spearheaded the largest agile transformation to date, leading TCS to become enterprise agile by 2020. This achievement was recognized as a Harvard Business School teaching case. Musthafa is an author of 4 popular books including "Scrum Narrative and PSM Exam Guide." With 100,000+ copies sold; it is a reference at Boston University Questrom School of Business. Musthafa serves as a reviewer for ISO/ BIS, a project management advisor for Tata Steel Processing Ltd, and a Tata Quality Management Systems assessor. He is also an innovator with 2 patents and PMI Essence columnist.

Session Title

Unlocking Organizational AI Potential with Agile